Tuesday, 4 February 2014

A new cover for an old sewing stool.

I have had this sewing stool for a while now (bought second hand on eBay) and was always intending to recover and refinish it.   It has had a new cover put on at some point, which is not in bad condition, but it does have an excessive dome shape to it, with far too much stuffing in the middle.  I did not have the time or enthusiasm to refinish the wood today, but I have finally completed the new cover.

When the seat is turned over, it is obvious that the piece of wood has been tacked on in an attempt to add some extra support at some stage.

When I removed the wood and layers of fabric, it became clear what was the cause of the dome shape - the piece of foam had been pushed in from underneath through the hole in the seat.

 With the foam removed, the fabric that would have been the original support for the seat is visible.

For the new seat support, I used rubber upholstery webbing.

This was covered with a layer of hessian to make sure the stuffing stays above it.

The best new stuffing material would have been a piece of new foam, but as I am trying to use materials I already have I reused the wadding from the original seat as the base, followed by a number of layers of thin fleece.

This was all attached to the base with a layer of calico, and then covered with the final layer of upholstery fabric.

I think the finished result is still in a style which fits the frame, but is a little cleaner looking and does not have the hump in the middle the original had.

The next step is to refinish the wood, hopefully in a slightly lighter shade.

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